Suffering of a Woman - Oil Painting

Oil Painting
Large Canvas 91cm x 90cm (click on image to view description)

This is an oil painting painted on canvas.. describing the woes and emotions of a woman throughout her life. Figuratively she is expressing six negative emotions: grief, blame, shame, agression, resentment and fear. The vulnerable image of a lone woman in the painting is shown in such a way that she is not at all exposing her main body parts.This painting reflects the painful emotions, struggle and challenges endured by a woman throughout her life.. she lives in situations of dilemma concealing her emotions but sometimes reveals all the sufferings to her beloved ones. Most of the time her emotions are concealed within herself for the welfare of her family and society.. she lives a life full of compromises and sacrifices afraid of inflicting her emotions and feelings on others. The womans deepest self is relinquished, bringing her thoughts, memories, and feelings into mind. This topic is based on my admiration for women in society and the strength they carry to overcome negative emotions.

Simranjit Singh Artist, official paintings.


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Suffering of a Woman - Oil Painting

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